Xtra Factor Live!

Those people that know us will know the two of us are obsessed with X Factor, we love Saturday night’s in during the winter sat watching X Factor with a takeaway (usually Chinese) cheering on our favourites.. So when we got a phone call inviting us to be part of the first ever live Xtra Factor show we of course said yes!

On the 27th August we arrived at the Xtra Factor studio’s in Covent Garden and was taken to a room filled with comfy seats and tasty snacks and were lucky enough to watch the first episode of X Factor 2016 a few hours before it was shown on ITV.

When the episode had finished we then went round the room and one at a time discussed our opinions on certain parts of the show.. we all had a lot to say about Honey G as you can probably imagine.. The reason why we were being asked to explain our opinions to the group was so we would be prepared if Xtra Factor Hosts Rylan Clark-Neil and Matt Edmonson spoke to us at any point during the show, we would know exactly what to say as we would be filming live so no time to start again (no pressure!)

Once we had finished going through the show we moved next door to the actual Xtra Factor studio where we were welcomed by this years hosts, Matt and Rylan!

We sat and watched the show be filmed while sat infront of us was Caitlyn Vanbeck, Christian Burrows and this years final 12 contestant Ryan Lawrie!

Everything was going fine, we managed to get through a whole live show without embarrassing ourselfs until the final part came.. Honey G was sat having her interview with Matt and Rylan when suddenly a part of Peri’s chair broke and smashed onto the floor making the loudest noise you could possibly think of. Aston Merrygold, Ferne Mcann and Louis Spence who were all part of the panel looked at us as if to say what the hell was that? it was extremely embarrassing.

After the show we were lucky enough to meet Aston Merrygold and Honey G outside!




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